Presumably Human



Nicknames: Snow (hates this one), Hood

Original Concept:

Adopted by an army vet and ex samurai. Ace learned the trade of stealth and poisons, know the function and breakdown of any common gun, and can use a knife as if it were an extended hand thanks to them. They have violent tendencies/thoughts, and killing bugs and animals usually takes care of it. Before Val found them they had been wandering the snow, living in huts and igloos long deserted, fishing and picking berries and hoping none of them would kill him. Val would find them on her journey north, away from her long disintegrated clan.

Ace takes missions from one of the Circle of Leaders’ organizations and the odd job from Griva. Assigned to a certain agency, they get a good flow of work assigned and done by the end of the month. He likes saving his reward money for delicacies like liquor and ice cream, and if he’s feeling haggard by the end of the month, a bathhouse. The rest goes to weapons and gear maintenance. They moved out of their parents’ hide out when they turned 24, and have been living near the agency since. In canon he is currently 28.


Their Past (208X)

  • Ace is born and has traumatic past
  • Val finds Ace and wants to raise them, Atom is hesitant but agrees to raise him with her
  • Ace lives with Atom and Val

The Present

  • Ace works for hire and lives near his work

Their Future



Trivia/Loose Facts