KuroGuro (Kuro)

Kuro is a warrior class shadow person


Kuro is a ride or die that Cov respects and trusts with his life, some time away from eachother so they can grow as people without eachother and have their own lives and cultures to attend to (shadow warrior training and Cov with mid-highschool), then Kuro comes back after graduation, stronger than ever and finished their training, cool powers for Cov to use and is taught how to use by Kuro, Kuro gets to test out new abilities they’d learned and incorporate newer techniques, and they go adventuring together


Their Past

Their Present

Their Future

Long explanation with pictures:

They would sneak out and explore their surroundings, and (against their better judgement) found Nic and Cov’s home. Wandering in and exploring the place, and since they were just a shadow goop at the time, was able to blend in just fine into the surrounding shadows if anyone was coming/they ran the risk of getting caught.

Kuro saw Cov playing alone and wanted to join them and become friends. Cov was startled but open to having a new friend (after the move he hasnt gotten the chance to make new friends yet)

They hit it off after that. Kuro wouldnt have a name till their graduation after warrior training, so Cov gave them the name Fing (a mispronunciation of friend)

Eventually Kuro had to leave Cov to continue their warrior training. By the time cov is in his late teens, Kuro comes back stronger and much more powerful. They’ve even got a proper name: “KuroGuro” !

They offer a proposal to be bound together by the Dead, but easily unbound if Cov decides they shouldnt be bf5ever
Cov agrees and this is when he gets the tattoos and power that come with the binding spell
After the deal is made Kuro can control Cov’s body, can only detach themself as far as Cov’s shadow is (if its sunset and cov is sitting under a really big tree, Kuro can only move around under the shade of the tree since the shadows overlap), and in return Cov can use Kuro’s magic
The trade off here is Kuro’s independent mobility and Cov having to share/be a passenger to his own body

Kuro formed their more teen and adult form to match Cov’s while away training because it reminded them of what they were doing it all for, and so when they comes back around Cov’s graduation time, they can be easily recognized by Cov since they’d look VERY different from when they were kids


In childhood, Cov was lonely, sad, and stressed because his brother was stressed. Kuro was excited, playful, and happy to play/distract Cov when his brother was too tired or busy working/networking

After graduation, Cov is curious and adventurous. Kuro is more resigned, burdened with the power they now have, and hesitant to reconnect with Cov knowing they could kill him too easily, and if Cov would even still want to be friends despite the absence (would their dynamic/personalities still blend?)

Over time Kuro begins to let loose after the binding, and puts their trust and faith in Cov to continue or break off their friendship (he never does ^^). He gets more crazed and exciteable, and even starts getting hostile toward anyone that isnt Cov or Nic (antagonizing is a skill/talent the warrior clan values). He’s a bit mean toward Cov and Nic too, but only jokingly/empty threats, compared to actual potential threats. This is how we’ve gotten the Good Cop (Cov) Bad Cop (Kuro) dynamic.


Alongside creating multiple limbs and limb-weapons, Kuro can also create mini kuros to execute tasks (by the time Cov is around 40 Kuro can create 3 but can only give them simple commands, but by the time Cov is 60 Kuro can control all 3 individually to a T. godtier multitasking)

Kuro’s mini-Kuro’s can be used as scouts or his own ctv cameras, and can use his own set of skills for self defense if someone or somehting attacks them
good luck trying to take them down. theyre a quite literal bullet sponge.
Only advanced warrior class can create multiples or minis AND control them like its theyre their own body. When you cant control them right they kinda just stand there since all youre doing is maintaining its figure

Killing Cov is the one you want to kill first, killing him is also killing Kuro

Till death, do they part.
