

Introduced as Cov’s (human) best friend, and can be seen with Cov sometimes.

Nathan’s gotten the most character development in the 90’s AU, so most of this comes from a 90’s era lens but I did try to generalize for this page and make it fit from the 90s to 2060

An only child that grows up to be a narcissist/teetering on sociopath. He takes care of his father while in school and works a job to help keep the lights on and food in the fridge. He likes scifi robots and riding his bike.

His father is a detective, and though he doesn’t show it properly, he worries, cares for, and loves his son. The father is given cases of missing persons reports and murders/deaths that can’t be explained by normal means, and so he’s floundering his way into the fantastical world to find out what really happened to them. (conspiracy theory vibes but he might actually be right)

Nathan entertains his father’s ideas and spitballing since he’s got nothing better to do and seeing him so passionate puts a smile on his face. He doesn’t actually believe there’s ‘shadow people’ and 'magic’ and 'plans of research facilities being built somewhere’, but hey, fun background noise while he does his homework.

Nathan’s mother died after his birth. It’s either that or she dies when he was around 2 or 3, from what? no clue. probably an incurable illness. In life, she was a lawyer. (ace attorney style)

Stray Facts