(The West) The Collective Kingdoms

Fantasy creatures claimed this half of the land: animal people, orcs, griffins, knights, wyverns, wizards, dark magic users, royalty, and warrior clans. Their physical weapons range from knives, swords, clubs, axes, bow and arrows, halberds, spears, pikes, tridents, hammers, flails

Creatures from The Ruins (post apoc side) can be spotted from time to time in this area, but if youre patient and quiet you can watch a fight happen between The Collective’s and The Ruins’ aggressive creatures.

Fantasy Classes: Royalty (Kings/Princes/Princesses/Nobles), Knights (appointed/enlisted/sentient knights), Wizards/Witches/Mages, Warrior Clans (ninja, orc, elven), Aquatic

monsters that inhabit the land vary from fleshy blobs, skeletal/bony figures, ghostly lurkers, rogue dragons, animated corpses